Cosmos Tree encourages you to give generously so that we may serve others.
Cosmos Tree has grown rapidly in the last few years and the demand for Its Services has reached critical mass. Your support is key to bringing these much-in-demand and needed Services to others so that they may learn to live in Peace each-and-every moment. As many who have generously donated to Cosmos Tree know, it is this Inner Peace that brings forth World Peace.
Cosmos Tree is a nonprofit educational foundation that gives people Tools to use to live in Peace regardless of the outer situation. These Tools include Talks; Classes; Workshops; Trainings; Meditations; Meditation For Health And Well-being; Audio and Video/DVD Libraries in New York City and at Centers around the country and in Mexico; and Regional Centers that Serve those who live in those areas as well as the many who travel and seek the Services that we offer. To read more, click here.
Your gift is fully tax-deductible under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.
If you would like to mail a check, please make it out to Cosmos Tree, Inc. and mail to Cosmos Tree, 1461 A First Avenue - Suite #204, New York, New York 10075.