A015 mp3: "How Am I Doing?"
Have you ever been hard on yourSelf because what you had thought was going to happen didn't and you chose to have a judgment on yourSelf and others because of your choice?
To the Consciousness, "How Am I doing?" is a trick question. Comparisons, jealousy and other judgments have no basis in reality; we don’t know the karma present with another person. The moment we ask “How Am I Doing?” we’re out of the present. We lose our power and spiral “down”, creating hurt and disappointment, which is karma or separation from the Spirit we are.
In this Satsang Dr. Roger B. Lane shares that the answer is to Remember your own Divinity; always let go and move into the Light Of The Most High and Love yourSelf as the Lord, God does and treat yourSelf as The Christ does.
When we're out of the Present, we're out of God - God is in each and every moment.
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