A117 mp3: “Is Your ‘Whatever’ Your Lever?: A Participatory Satsang"
A Satsang (Spiritual Instruction) Followed By A Question-And-Answer Session
In this Satsang given by Dr. Roger B. Lane you Learn to use the habitual response of "whatever" as “Your Lever” into Being Present with the Spirit you are.
Discover how being open to gleaning things from others and the situations you experience Allows for Active Attunement within!
Experience a Process where you have the Opportunity to revisit a situation and to Appreciate it as a Gift instead of “sloughing it off as a ‘whatever’”!
A life-altering question-and-answer session is included where Dr. Lane encourages us to strengthen ourSelves by practicing Eternal Vigilance and the “Dropsies” (see A115 for more!).
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