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A124 mp3: "Letting Go, Letting God – Part III: A Participatory Satsang"

A124 mp3: "Letting Go, Letting God – Part III: A Participatory Satsang"


A Satsang (Spiritual Instruction) Followed By A Question-And-Answer Session

In this “Active” Satsang given by Dr. Roger B. Lane you discover how Choosing away from habitual responses, mock-ups and attachments to our agenda is related to “Letting Go” and “Letting God”.  

Learn about the illusion of death and how “Letting Go” and “Letting God” helps the illusion to be Lifted!  

Experience a Process led by Dr. Lane where you'll have the Opportunity to Let Go of something you've been struggling with as well as gain insight about the negativity that arises as part of it and how to give it over to God!  

Includes an important question to ask yourSelf and a highly suggested question-and-answer session at no extra charge!


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