A152 mp3: "Are You In A Loving Relationship With The Lord, God?: A Participatory Satsang"
A Satsang (Spiritual Instruction) Followed By A Question-And-Answer Session
In this Satsang given by Dr. Roger B. Lane you Learn that God lives in us as us and that we are Responsible for coming to Know ourSelves as Spirit via Initiation Into The Sound Current and a Loving Relationship with God.
Understand that when we have a Loving Relationship with the Lord, God we're Loving ourSelves!
Experience a Process led by Dr. Lane where you have the Opportunity to Let Go of fear, anger, hurt or pain around a situation and work with God Directly!
Features a Generous question-and-answer session that’s the equivalent of a second Satsang where Dr. Lane further explains that Love has to do with letting go of volition or “your program”.
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