A203 mp3: "What Does It Mean To Be 'Neutral'?: A Participatory Satsang"
A Satsang (Spiritual Instruction) Followed By A Question-And-Answer Session
In this Satsang by Dr. Roger Bruce Lane Dr. Lane explains that we are at the effect of what we have put in motion.
We are responsible for what we have created with our thoughts, words, feelings etc.
If we take things personally, we are stuck with the pain and the hurt,
Neutrality is about being impartial, being impersonal; it’s about being present. We can only be present by being with God, being in the moment.
Learn that Neutrality means recognizing that God is inside! When you live as the Spirit you are and Honor That, you are Neutral. And there is a Way to do That through the Gift of Initiation Into The Sound Current!
Features a process led by Dr. Lane where Dr. Lane asks us “what does it mean to be Neutral?” followed by sharing. There is also a wonder-ful Opportunity to let go of hurt; and an Uplifting question-and-answer session following the Talk.
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