A213 mp3: “Are Your Rationalizations Rational?: A Participatory Satsang”
In this Satsang by Dr. Roger B. Lane Learn that we are Responsible for our creations and that any creation away from God is karma or separation! Living in karma doesn’t feel good because it goes against Who we are.
God in His Kindness and Mercy has given us this life for One Purpose: to Come to Know ourSelves as Spirit, as Soul; and to do That by Allowing the Alignment of our will with God’s Will.
Dr. Lane points out the rationalizations that we use to rationalize our staying stuck in negativity so that we are able to see them for what they are, which is nothing. Learn, too, that you belong to God, to no one and nothing else.
Includes a Process led by Dr. Lane Where we have the Blessed Opportunity to look at the rationalizations we use to hold ourSelves back in our lives.
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